What I Do

Build both the front end and the back end of a website. The front end (the parts of a website a user sees and interacts with) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes data storage and processing)

client server applications

Web Applications

I have designed intranets, applications that automate communication with APIs, or even customize the delivery of information to clients.

The web applications have been tested under the OWASP standard and have complied with the ISO 27000 security standards.

Html + CSS
Intranets or web service
.Net + SQL
Delivery systems
React + NodeJs + MongoDB
frontend + backend

Social network

Twitter-like application with the ability to publish a post and follow other posts

REST API to develop a Social Network (Node, Express and MongoDB).


Web page – agular

web full stack development

Using Angular as front end and backend (API REST with nodejs, express / REST and Mongo)

Lets Work Together

Edad 54
Pais México
Ubicación Ciudad de Mexico
correo enrique.diaz69d@enriquediazweb.com
Telefono +52 5552526510

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