Hello, my name is Enrique Diaz

Web Desginer &
Project Manager

I can help you to create applications, API, web pages using different programing languages or just manage the project, I work as freelance.

Clien server application
Web Applications
Test execution

About Me

-I have Knowledge in development in object-oriented programming languages, such as Visual Basic, C#, C++, java, Nodejs , javascript , HTML 5 / CSS, Angular, React, Laravel and python

What I Do

Build both the front end and the back end of a website. The front end (the parts of a website a user sees and interacts with) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes data storage and processing)


Cliente server applications

Application that can perform specific functions and works inside of a network enviroment

web page

Wep Applications

Web applications are designed in a specific language depending on the required functionality.


Publish access functionality to the database or service, through an API that displays, receives or stores data

Execution tests

Security, black box, or negative testing depending on the need


Online Stores

Web applications that can work for online sales or simply a product catalog..

Different platforms can be used, from showing a fixed catalog of services or products, to a fully customizable interface.

My Clients

Morbi lobortis morbi dignissim sodales eget mauris turpis interdum sagittis sed cursus nunc nulla congue quis.

“Feugiat mi commodo pellentesque dapibus tortor, bibendum mattis mattis scelerisque est interdum tempor dui consectetur pharetra facilisis tortor, integer et erat ac elit rhoncus.”

Tobias Van Hale

Creative Director at Pelem Studio

Lets Work Together

Ipsum volutpat pharetra est dolor mauris in arcu congue at netus viverra scelerisque erat lorem sagittis hac risus sed id nunc ac quisque placerat lectus at sed laoreet cras ac vestibulum.